Saturday, May 14, 2011


The past two days has seen three new things happen:
  1. We got our new car yesterday, finally. It's the closest I could get to my old car in Joburg and it must be the only car on the island in gun-metal grey! It's a super-duper Ford Freestyle, which is a cross-over SUV/station wagon. It's got so many features - including a DVD for the kids, that we're going to need a training workshop.
  2. I finally conquered my mental block over Facebook and realised you didn't need a password. I've now spent a nerve-wracking few hours asking people to "be my friend". If you dont hear back from them, does that mean 'no'?!
  3. Most importantly, Tyler baked his first batch of bread here on the island early this morning and I sold them (he was working) at the school car boot sale. Everything was sold out in just over an hour, which was rather positive market research!
We shared our table with George, who had to do a business project for Grade 2.
We are now starting to look at our new business venture seriously, and hope to be up and running by Christmas. We're actively looking for premises and T is starting to look for equipment, and I'm starting to source suppliers and the like. We will start a small line of 'goodies' such as preserves, oils, rubs and truffles over the next few months - just to get going. Luckily for us, we've already had an offer to stock them.

It's all really, really exciting. A dream long-term in the making.

1 comment:

  1. Island life seems to be suiting you.....while the realities of motherhood seem to be sinking in. Really pleased to see the bread on the table . I still think this is a dead cert. Good luck and happy hours of baking and selling.
