Someone once mentioned that South Africans generally stop whining about housework after about a year. She said she wasn't sure whether it was because they just got use to it or if their standards radically dropped. It's most definetly the latter. It would never be the former!
Christmas day was lovely. We went to midnight mass on Christmas Eve at our local St Georges (just keeping the continuity with St Georges Cape Town, St Georges Parktown and now St Georges Road Town!). A lovely service, all 2.5 hours of it (!) which saw us stagger out of church at 12:30am. We still managed to fit in some midnight shopping to top up with a few things (like presents...) and Tyler put the ham in the oven when he went to bed at 2am and took it out of the oven when he got up at 4;30am. Extreme cooking, or what?
To say that the last 2 weeks has been a bit of a marathon is to put it mildly. I honestly dont know how Tyler has kept going, but he has. We've been thrilled with the response to our first efforts and now are champing at the bit to bring in our big ovens and get the factory up and running.
2012 is going to a beeeegg year for us. We're going to try and buy a house, start the business and keep standing. There are also a few over sideshows happening, but we wont dwell on those just yet!
We're off to the Blakes for a mid-afternoon barbecur/braai (can't get use to saying barbecue but no-one knows what we are talking about when we say 'braai') and more eating and drinking.
Hope everyone, everywhere had a lovely day yesterday and are enjoying their holidays. I'm certainly looking forward to mine.
In the meantime there's a few hours of washing up to get through!
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