Thursday, May 17, 2012

12 Steps needed

I know exactly why I was so grumpy on Monday. I couldn't feed my Pinterest habit. I try and restrict myself to about 15 minutes a day but this always ends up being like 3 hours. You'd think I would have enough to do: Three kids, a job, a new start-up business, a house to furnish, a gazillion unfinished projects, a family to manage and a body to maintain.

No - I'm afraid Pinterest was designed and launched just for ME. You are speaking of the girl who still has her fashion scrapbooks and sketchbooks from junior school. I've schlepped boxes of magazine tear-outs from South Africa to England and then back again, and then Transatlantic to here. They're like old friends and I like doing nothing better than going through them all. It's sad, I know.

So Pinterest is the digital version of this. I now have the entire  Internet to pin into my virtual scrapbook. Lovely picture of the sea. Click. Gorgeous white jeans on Parisian waif. Click. Aqua sofa against grey walls. Click. On and on and on.

Someone needs to design a Twelve Step Programme for Pinterest Addicts.


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