Sunday, April 15, 2012

Family Life

The week was productive, in part, and we are a few steps closer to the bakery opening, although it's definitely not going to be the beginning of May, more like the end. We amuse ourselves with reading millions of 'Saveurs' and starting to do a bit of baking now in our test kitchens here in Carrot Bay. The TV series may be a few years off, but Tyler is starting to perfect macaroons and other delights.

The boys have been sailing all week and James is supporting a fabulous fat-lip from a boating accident yesterday, so will go back to school tomorrow like a returning hero.

Yesterday we had friends around for a braai and we had Peri Peri Chicken, which was gorgeously spicy after last weekends disappointment with the super-mild Jerk which we had made without the Scotch Bonnets (big mistake).  Entertaining here is fun and the company always interesting. Because we live on such a small island it's all pretty flat-earth, so we have friends who are policemen, journalists, yacht brokers, lawyers, artists, bankers, chefs, barristers and many other exotic professions (that dosn't look quite right, but you know what I mean) which one wouldn't necessarily bump into in a more suburban existence. This always makes for lively conversation and it's something we simply have not had much time to do up until now given Tyler's filthy hours that he used to work. It's wonderful being a joined-up family again. 

Today has been super lazy and we've been flopping around the house eating late breakfasts and smashing up a bit of furniture (the children) We had a big storm last night which howled around our new house, blasting us with sheets of tropical rain which was all very atmospheric but not so good for sleeping. Tyler has hauled the kids off to the park to try and burn off some excess energy before we  start the whole back-to-school routine of haircuts, homework, backpack finding and all that stuff.

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Im on my last few days of leave too and then its cold winter commute - Yuck!
