Friday, March 9, 2012

Back Online

Grade 3B Working Hard

Nobody ever says how much they enjoy moving, do they?  The never-ending tediousness of it all as you frantically stuff  your life into black bin-liners (only to wait 5 hours for the removals people to pitch up). It’s just  something that has to be got through.  One’s own little private hell and misery for a few days.

Well that was our week last week, but it is all behind us now and we are happily ensconced in our little piece of paradise,  although we are still living with the after-shock effects. The toughest thing of all was that Tyler’s leave was kindly cancelled the night before we were due to move which rather sucked the air out of both me and the week. Not only did it make a difficult thing truly horrible, it also meant that we never got round to the million little things (like hair appointments) as we ground our way through yet another round of back-to-back late night shifts and 4:30am starts.
The upshot of all this was Tyler’s resignation by the end of week, something I had strongly recommended.  Nobody in their right minds - if they want to keep a marriage alive and not fall asleep at the wheel, can keep up that kind of 80 hour week and live to tell the tale. The almost 18 month Srcub 'outing' has been good experience but in true Kugel-speak "enough already".

So the safety net has been taken away and as from Saturday 17th March we have officially started our new family business (probably one of the reasons why it’s 4am and I’m up writing this blog). The bakery building is almost finished, and the fit-out will start in the next week or so, so we have our work cut out if we still want to shoot for a May opening. Anyhow it’s all good, albeit terrifying.
Our Carrot Bay house is really beautiful – not the house itself so much (which is a rather large white fortress type building) but just all the space and having  one’s things around again. The boys are reveling in it all and loving being so close to the sea. We’re still up to our eyeballs in boxes and crap, but everyday gets a bit more organized. I’ve yet to find any of the legendary boxes filled with garbage which I was convinced had been packed in Joburg, but have unpacked some ones pretty close to such as the Very-Back-of the Pantry box which contained an empty Nescafe jar and some empty wine bottles.   Other wise it’s nice to be re-aquainted with our things. I’d never make a Zen Buddhist  Monk.     

This week I slammed straight back into work  as The Boss was down from London.  I’m also preparing (or not is the case) for another SA trip next week. I cross the Atlantic on Friday 16th  to get back into Joburg in time for the Gawith-Leghs  50th celebrations.  Remind me the next time I see Richard Branson to tell him to quit exploring space and concentrate on bringing back Concord (Miami – Johannesburg would do nicely, thanks). After all he does this very trip (SA London BVI)  more times than I do, but I suppose having your own G5 helps, as opposed to the 2 day iPod Kindle Marathon that is The Little People’s  reality and mine. 
The roosters are already crowing (now in the far distance thank goodness, as opposed to the back door) and the sun will soon start coming up. There are school lunches to make, belts and water bottles to find and little souls to be driven to school. Georgie gets to meet HRH Duke of Gloucester today for some opening or other (We didn’t get Prince Harry I’m afraid, who has gone off to the more glamorous islands like the Bahamas).

Onwards and upwards: The plusses continue to outweigh the minuses (one salary, the BMW Issue, no computer, no internet, bad hair).  On the upside - it’s still beautifully cool, nothing was broken in the move (from SA or here) and the driveway doesn’t seem so bad anymore.  The children will soon have a father again.
Worrying about the sitting room cushions feels rather like Another Life however, and that was only 10 days ago.

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