Tyler has been up half the night - joined later by James (pictured left) watching the Rugby World Cup and had to leave for work about 10 minutes before the end of the England/Argentinia game (just after the missed penalty) with much grumbling. We are watching ITV live streaming with Francois Pienaar on the commentary panel, so not too shabby. We'll all be up tomorrow for the South African game (power better bloody well not go out) but wont be blowing the vuvuselas until afterwards, as it will only be 4:30am here when the game starts.
We're under Tropical Storm warning again this weekend (Maria) which is meant to be arriving later today, according to the satellite trackers. Having never been quite so well prepared before (everything's charged up, rummy cards are out, freezer food all made, water by the loos) chances are not too much will happen. It's a beautiful day so far with the odd squall and Tyler will be home at Noon as Scrub will close until the all clear is given - so can't complain really. James is meant to be camping out tonight, which could be heroic. One just sort of sits around, waiting for it to happen. Sometimes it does, sometimes it dosn't. Sometimes it just rains a lot.
It's been a funny week. Having stated our intention last week to conquer the world, most of this week was spent cowering in our (air conditioned) bedroom feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all. Then I watched that heart rendering piece on the Australian X Factor with the Iraqi chap and gave myself a stern talking too. There's now been a flurry of activity in the Dawson household and the dining room table has been colonised by sewing machines, homework, material, laptops and the like and we've had to relocate dining to the balcony table. This may be interesting in a tropical storm.
William had a huge week - having started both piano ("do rockstars actually need to learn to play the piano?") and tennis. He's been itching to do all of this, but I can't help but feel a tiny wrench as our 'baby' (luckily he can't read yet) grows up so quickly.
The island seems to be getting back to it's old self with 3 party invitations sitting on the fridge door - an "80's" 40th, a "all in white" 60th and a champagne baby shower brunch in the next few weeks. It's a good way to pass September which is the hottest, windiest, buggiest month of the year and which needs turning on its head a bit. Georgie is 9 at the beginning of October and then there's Halloween - so off we go on our party rollercoaster. Blink and it will be Christmas.
The factory has now been leased and Tyler is busy looking at ovens and equipment. It's too exciting, but we are anxious to just get up & running. One can only look at foodie blogs for so long.
Speaking of which - the screeching parrot needs to put out on the balcony for some airtime before the storm arrives and my legs are being chomped by mozzies. I also really need a coffee - having been up so early biting my nails (golly England, what happenend?). There is something deeply surreal sitting in the Caribbean - waiting for a storm, whilst watching British TV (the boys are fascinated by the adverts, as we dont have them on BBC) being broadcast live from New Zealand. That something so awsomely global is being played out in such a fiercely regional way, must remain one of the few things that hasn't been conquered or branded or re-packaged by the likes of Wal-mart. For this (and those gorgeous new rugby shirts they all wear now mmmmm) I love it. Pray for power though.
* Our rugby team we support in South Africa is called the Western Province Stormers - so pun most intended if not a little obscure
Hope you got through the storm ok. The girls are addicted to X-facter and we watch it every night. Pxx