Sunday, August 22, 2010

Surviving the latter days

We have now been homeless in Johannesburg for a week, ensconced in the serene Joubert Snr flat in Killarney. We are living dangerously with 3 little boys and wall-to-wall pristine white linen, but apart from that it is perfect. We started out life in Joburg in Killarney, and we end here - so full circle.

The Week of the Move will go down in the Dawson annals as truly awful. I ended up back in bed and only got up when it had to be packed. Georgie got scarlet fever and ended up in bed with me. We cowered in our bedroom, where everything piled up around us like a UN relief staging post. Tyler literally had to do everything. By the end of the week he was humming hymns and looking a bit shellshocked.

We finally handed over the keys at 10pm on Friday evening. I'd taken to the bottle at Brad & Sal Jacksons gorgeous dinner party for us and then preceded to take a sleeping pill at 3am before we had to get up at 5am to fly to CT. They were the slow-release type. Needless to say I only woke up in the swanky new Woolworths at Cape Town airport, to buy some shoes (as you do).

After a lovely lunch at Groote Poste in Darling Hills (highly recommended) we had sort of recovered. The rest of the weekend, apart from family farewells was spent teaching my 81 year mother computers and emailing - which since she can now read this blog, I have to be polite about (hey Ma!).

The boys have said goodbye to their schools, my office farewell drinks is on Thursday. We fly on Friday evening, 23 hours via Atlanta,  St Thomas, Ferry, Tortola. In many ways, I wish it were tomorrow and then we remember about another 50 things that we need to cancel, transfer or shut-down. It's beginning to feel like the Long Goodbye, and I'm sure it is starting to tire everyone out a bit, but this truly is our latter days.

PS Am now going to try and do quick daily updates.

1 comment:

  1. Great posts Julia! All I can say is that Pete and I have been through 10 moves in twelve years of marriage - 2 cross continent, so I feel ya! Hope you are all well, looking fwd to next post. P xxxxx
