Monday, August 23, 2010


We are all in limbo, waiting for things to end and begin. Tyler has taken the boys off to gym at 8pm in the evening. We normally don't do things like this, but we are all  going slightly crazy. The boys seem to have a homing pigeon need to constantly check-in in that all is still well. This means that our normally very independent little boys are not moving much out of a 10m range from us, and we are constantly being treated to hugs/kisses/rugby tackles and farty underarm spectaculars.  I learnt a few years back, when we were stuck on the Sundays River in a drowned Hilux, that parents are like lighthouses. As long as they are still standing and the light is going round, the world is OK.  Tyler and I are trying to be lighthouses.

Life is also currently one big checklist. Normally this is my native habitat and I crosscheck & tick-off with a great sense of achievment ( Type A tendencies), but  we have reached the point now that we almost cannot look at another list. They are taking on gargantuan portions (move money out of country) and yet are so banal in their execution. Maybe I am cured and am now a Type B personality.  Maybe this is my unconscious getting me ready for life on an island.  I suspect it is really because we are frazzled and wish for it all to be over.

Today we 'phoned the island'. We have booked into a hotel right on the beach for when we arrive on Saturday. We can fall out of our room on Sunday and go snorkling. I think that that is our room, bottom left. Tyler has packed the flippers for this along with the assorted flotsam and jetsam that one seems to end up with when you pack up a house, a life and a country. We have vuvuzelas, sheets, winter clothes, gym things, little-bowl crap, school clothes and other weird things, all winging their 23 hour flight to the Caribbean.

We only have 4 days left now in South Africa.  We are tinged by sadness, but next weeks diaries are starting to fill.  We have one foot in our new lives, and as hard as this all is, one cannot but look at the picure above and think mmmmmmmm!


  1. Hi julia, so nice to be able to read and follow updates, are you flying via anywhere or heading straight for the island? Will be thinking of you all leaving SA. P xx

  2. Hi Julia. Have just read all your posts and was left feeling all teary. Thinking of you - all so exciting and sad at the same time, and of course a huge amount of work! Sorry that we'll be missing you by a week and wishing you all the best. Will keep checking your blog. xx Jeanine.
