Friday, January 27, 2012

Dream on

James racing at the MLK Regatta, St Thomas, USVI

For the remaining five of you out there who didn't see any of our endless boasting of our little man's first outing in St Thomas last weekend - here's the official newspaper write-up but basically James did rather well: After an awful start on Saturday when he was knocked out of his boat, he went on to get a 'bullet' (sailing-speak for winning a race) on Sunday - an amazing achievment for his first competitive regatta. We're not quite sure what monster we may be creating here. When faced with the racing schedule for the year (Miami, St Maarten, Bahama's, Barbados, Antigua, St Kitts - you get the idea)  this is not like 'swimming galas around the Western Cape' as a proud godfather pointed out. Bloody right it's not. I think polo might be less expensive. Anyhow needs, must. Lets hope the next one's really good at chess or something. 

Thad, Sam & James

The rest of the week was fairly uneventful apart from making our upcoming move official, which is rather exciting. I've spent endless hours pouring over interior design blogs, Pottery Barn & Ikea catalogues and material swatches. We don't actually need much, as we now get to have all our old furniture with us (thank goodness I had the foresight to have white cotton loose-covers made for everything before I left Joburg) but who can miss an opportunity to decorate? Of course I'm going all out Island-Plantation-Caribbean (duh) and am agonizing over whether to have Pale Aqua or Seafoam in our new sitting room. It will however be whatever we can muster & forage  plus whatever is left over in the budget after we've bought the new flat screen TV and microwave.

But a girl can always dream. The view also really helps.

The sitting room in our new house...
Carrot Bay House
                 .......and how I would like it to look!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Typical Saturday Night

1. Tyler is working

2. I'm on to my third glass of wine

3. I had every intention of making Swedish meatballs (but see 2) and now just feel cross that there is no Mr Delivery on the island and I never have any ready-made meals in the freezer.

4. The younger two are watching Shrek 5, or whatever, having already watched Shrek 1, 2, 3 and 4.

5. The olderst son and heir is in another country racing (sailing). He left last night, sailing into the sunset, too happy for words (literally). Today I spoke to him:

(accompanying soundtrack-crackling cell phone with background wind)
Anxious mother:  "How are you Jamesy?"
Son & heir: "Fine"
Anxious mother:  "Really, are you  really sure you're fine? I can't believe you capsized twice and were hit by your boom so hard you had to sit out the next 3 races. Was it sore, and are you sure you're OK?"
Son & heir: "Yep"
Anxious mother: "Head not hurting, no pain?"
Son & heir: "I've got a big lump, but I'm fine"
Anxious mother: "Lovey, you're a hero and we love you and you really do not need to sail tomorrow, just be OK and not do anything you don't want to. But so wonderful, well done etc"
Son & heir: "I'm fine..."

You get the picture. Hence the 3 glasses of wine. No Swedish meatballs. No Tyler. Shrek 5.

All I really want now, apart from my husband and son home, is take-aways.

Time for egg soldiers, I suppose.

Coach Omari & the Gang

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Move on up

So much is on the go this week that this post could also be called "Lots of Balls in the Air" but since the blog statistics show that the post called "Hurricane Paula & the Sex Pistols" has been by far the most well-read blog of all time, I'm a bit reluctant, given the pervie possibilties.

In a nutshell: The (new) Bakery Factory in new premises looks like it is on track and will be open 1 April. Plans are busy been drawn up ready for approval, mainly for the DTI, so we can order the ovens. This also means we are on a two month critical path.  Arggghhhhh.

We are also looking at a bigger abode, because as sweet as our little house is now - it's a shoebox in the suburbs (Tortola's equivalent). Not the stuff of dreams.  Can't say too much (this is an island) except that a large kitchen, double garage, laundry, voluminous sitting room, family room, library, four bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms and sooooo much space to make a middle-aged woman who is inclined towards fantasy interior decoration, weep. It's also in one of the most beautiful parts of the island with a lovely local community and the best surfing. What's not to love you ask yourselves (or rather, "how can they afford this?"). Answer: Bitch driveway. It fulfills all my Everest fantasies, except it would be on a daily basis as opposed to that once-in-a-lifetime experience. I think (know) we'll have to run shuttle services for the cleaner and babysitters. I'm actually going to need that Hummer.

Carrot Bay
Next new big thing: William started his 'proper' sailing lessons today. Tyler said watching the squabs of six year olds trying to drag their little dinghies out of the water and de-rig was so sweet as they fell over themselves and everything else.  James (aged 10) may be sailing his first competitive regatta with the RBVIYC over on St Thomas (US Virgin Islands) this weekend, which will mean he will leave on Friday afternoon and return Sunday evening. He's thrilled but we're a bit apprehensive - it being the first time that one of our "babies" has travelled without us.

Clearly we need to start shifting the gears going forward, as IF we were to move to the new house - it would involve the boys tootling around on their bikes a lot, surfing on their own down in the bay (see above) and getting themselves home. Mr Caribbean Man has also said he'll 'machettee' some space for them around the house too, as well as build them a tree house. It's really, really no longer Parktown North.

If you'd like a good laugh and also some insight into what it's really like to live in the Caribbean read this from my neighbour India Hicks.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Here we go, here we go, here we go

I’ve given some vague thought about new years resolutions but apart from my friend Amy’s years back ("to care less", which could never be topped) the only thing I feel sincere about is to swear less at the kids.  Of course the effort behind this is huge as it involves patience, serenity, maturity, selflessness and fortitude – most of which I lack – but I’ll have a go. The children may even benefit.

Handsome Middle Son sailing on "Triple Jack"
Actually I have another one – it’s to spend less time on the Internet (“getting inspiration”) and actually doing. Facebook is the Devil. I'm also tired of reading snappy blogs on how to make Quinoa Muffins with Cranberry Glaze, or whatever.

In my bid to live ‘more in the moment’ nothing like some good pop psychology to get one going: The Happiness Project is about as cheerleading as it gets. I'm not very good at 'chirpy' as one immediately feels the need to reach for a AK47 which must surely cancel out any of the good.  I do feel like I need to be more, um ...gracious in 2012, however. Someone mentioned that I was looking a bit "wild-eyed" before Christmas. Well hell yes, wouldn't you? But still, nobody wishes to be seen to be uncool n'ces pas? The Happiness Project's not all mad and bad. Anyone who quotes Dr Johnston as saying: “Abstinence is as easy to me as temperance would be difficult” gets my vote in January.  I've read this of course all on the Internet. Ha.

I think we may have good news about the bakery. I need it today - not that anything went wrong, but nothing went right either. I'll let you know as soon as it's confirmed, but I think we may be up and running by the 1 April. This would be a good start to everything. I'm planning the Launch party in my head already. It will definetly involve T's brilliantly spicy gorgeous hot cross buns and good rummy truffles.
The Boss, the Boss's Wife & Dawson's

The year has already kicked off with a good fourtieth birthday party - "Seventies Disco", hence all the Honkies in Afro's. This officially opens the season then, so we're off on the 2012 Rollercoaster!